Hi this is our Blog on Grace. We hope and pray that the Grace of God will flood into your life like it has ours. A good place to start is to listen to the mp3 messages, they will not only turn your world around, you will feel like you have just been saved all over again!
New Nature Publications

Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Another vision

It went something like this...

I was busy listening to a teaching which I down loaded.
Something which I do often, and have been doing for ages.
I was learning so much about God, and I felt that I was growing.
The next thing I looked to my right and there our Father was sitting patiently.
I had this overwhelming feeling of I am right here, rather know Me than know about Me.

I am not for one second saying that we should stop listening to teachings or be unteachable.

What I am saying is that our primary learning should come from the throne room itself.
I have even gotten to the place where I am struggling to just be in our Fathers presence.
I have become dependent on other people's revelation, where I should be dependent on the Holy Spirit.
The Father wants relationship with us, that is why He sent the Holy Spirit.
He doesn't want us to learn about Him only from the Bible or other people.
He wants to walk with us in the cool of the day.

Bless you all and be found in Him


jul said...

This is so good, I can totally relate to this too. Thanks.

lydia said...


Coatesman said...


Puckt pointed out something to me the other day after going to Ants church.....

We have grown up in a culture where we are always looking to extract something ...
let me explain, we are in worship and you are (I know I did, and Pucky confirmed it) seeking a prophetic word or scripture, you are reading the word and find yourself so caught up in trying to hear from God or get the next big revelation.

Basically what I am saying is, for me I have found that I have been conditioned over the years to having to get something instead of just recieving. Both Pucky and I felt that we had to learn this all over again....

gee it is exciting


Unknown said...

it's great to know that although God is moving in us in ways specific to us, there is so much commonality.
I have been enjoying plenty of "stolen moments" with my Dad..
In the pick and pay, at work in the middle of a conversation, the most arb places. Suddenly the spirit is on me.
I used to always react by asking.."what does this mean, What must I do"?
Ten to one I'd probably miss the point half the time, running off on my own tangent.
It's just beautiful to rest with His presence on me, feel his warmth and the ultimate security He brings. The fruit is always evident after.
Man it's so exciting to be alive right now!!