Hi this is our Blog on Grace. We hope and pray that the Grace of God will flood into your life like it has ours. A good place to start is to listen to the mp3 messages, they will not only turn your world around, you will feel like you have just been saved all over again!
New Nature Publications

Sunday, 25 May 2008

Wayne's World...(25May08)


Hey Wayno and Jen!
Oh my! you guys are gonna be sooo stoked when you hear what happened to me last night!
Last night after you guys left, I went into the office where my mum and Cathy were kinda out of it, sitting in the corner. I sat down in between them and just enjoyed His presence. All of a sudden, everything kinda got hazy, and I could see the office floating, but everything was like see-through. There was a sky, a huge, starry sky and I saw fireworks! They were the most amazing fireworks that I've ever seen in my life!
 I felt myself being lifted uuupppp and there were fireworks all around me the entire time! It felt like I was there for about a year, admiring the fireworks. Then I realized I was on a cloud- a marshmallow cloud. It felt like a giant marshmallow and I was floating for ages.
There was a guy sitting next to me the whole time, sometimes reciting bits of Psalms, sometimes saying, "Look, Jo! Check that red firework!" He was dressed in jeans and a blue T-shirt, and the whole time I felt really safe. Uncle George rates he was an angel, just joining me for the ride. I also saw golden angels, I wasn't sure if they were male or female, but they were always there, also pointing and saying, "Look Jo, look!" At one stage the one angel was singing a song, and he had a voice like Roy Fields, but he was singing a song that I'd never heard before, and he repeated the chorus over and over again, and I was singing with him. I was kinda bummed 'coz I can't remember any of the songs that we sang except Jesus Loves Me. We sang that a lot. I think the angels were carrying my cloud, but I'm not sure.
 One thing I remember a lot was that the guy sitting next to me smelled like vanilla, and I remember leaning into him so that I could smell it.
 Also, I dug through my cloud and I could see down through the hole. I saw a picture of the world, like a sattelite piture of it, and the world was being held by these two hands. The hands had holes in them and the world was kind of being supported by the hands. Then one of the hands moved and the other hand pointed at the world with the pointing finger. But get this, the pointing finger was on fire! and In some places in the world, there were these bombs, and the finger touched the cord on the bombs and they went, "Tick tick tick...BOOM!" And the whole area was on fire! I don't remember all the areas, but I remeber seeing one on the east coast of South Africa, one on Sydney, Australia, one somewhere in China (maybe Hong Kong?) and one somewhere in America. This kept happening, the fires getting brighter and brighter and bigger. 
Then I lifted my head out of the cloud and the hole closed up. I tore a piece out of the cloud and it kinda melted in my hands. It felt like playdough. Me and the angel sitting next to me made playdough shapes! Sounds really odd, but I made a caterpillar shape and he made some kind of horse with the cloud playdough. The whole time there were fireworks everywhere! But really the colours of them were amazing! I've never seen those colours in my life! The one colour was green and red and blue all at the same time!! But it wasn't three sepate colours, and it also wasn't a blend of colours! It's so hard to describe.
I don't know if I told you, but one night after the fire fest the weekend before last, I saw a pillow floating on my roof in my bedroom, a white white pillow just floating in the air. To be honest I thought I was hallucinating and I was just really tired. But then while I was watching the fireworks on my marshmallow cloud, I heard one of the golden angel people say, "Let's show her the pillow thing again." The whole sky was all of a sudden filled with these white pillows, exactly like the one I'd seen before! Then the pillows sort of burst, and there were feathers everywhere! 
I also remember pearls being in my hair, lots of little white pearl clip thingies. I was wearing this white and light blue robe thing, like the bathrobes you see in Jesus movies. 
At one stage, I felt the cloud fly around really fast, like a roller coaster, and then we stopped and we went up! I began to see a white light, a really white light, and a felt a change in the mood of things. I'm not sure why (and I'm practically kicking myself 'coz I did this) but I thought, "I want to go back to the fireworks." We came back down to the fireworks. This happened twice, even though the second time I felt like I was getting ready to go further up.
After what felt like a few days of the fireworks and singing and playing with my cloud, the angel guy said to me, "Ok, it's time for you to take a leap of faith."  I told him I wasn't sure. He said to me that it would be better, and I mustn't worry, because I could come back. So I held onto him and we jumped. It kinda felt like we were falling UP, not down. I saw the world passing us as we were doing the falling up thing, and then I kind of 'came to'. I felt like I'd been away for about a year, but apparently I was only out for about 2 hours, maybe even less. From what I see of what they videoed, I was giving commentary the whole time, but I don't remember anything that happened on earth. 
From what I saw of Bob Jones, and from some of what Uncle George said, I think that I was somewhere in between the second heaven (I think that's like outer space and stuff) and the third heaven (the throne room of God). 
I hope this completely knocks you out! I'm still trying to understand what happened to me! 
Love Jo      

1 comment:

lydia said...

I can't believe no one has commented on this one yet......whoa......this is amazing.....I am so glad you shared this, I have been wanting to go hang out on a cloud myself......Power of Testimony!!!!!!