Hi this is our Blog on Grace. We hope and pray that the Grace of God will flood into your life like it has ours. A good place to start is to listen to the mp3 messages, they will not only turn your world around, you will feel like you have just been saved all over again!
New Nature Publications

Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Love Louisa...(13Nov07)

After another tough week, in fact after a pretty awful year filled with contradictions, I've come to the conclusion that it's ok to ask God those difficult questions.

I have felt the presence of God in tangible powerful ways and experienced first hand His provision, healing, restoration and heard His voice of encouragement, without some extra special effort on my part. I know I serve a living God who loves me and cares for me and hears my cries. I know He is at work in amazing ways in a world wide revival kind of new way and I'm so very, very grateful to be part of it! But I have also experienced many, many things going wrong, sometimes I feel my prayers bounce off ceilings of brass; I'm confused and so very tired.

In the past I have been cautioned not to question God, the reasoning being that God got angry with Job's friends in Job 42:7 when they questioned Him and also in the gospels Jesus got angry with the Pharisees when they tried to trap him with their questions. But I'm reminded of what Rob Bell says in his book Velvet Elvis: that theological student David Rylaarsdam argues that God is angry because Job's friends and the Pharisees believed they had all the answers. Whereas the psalmists humbly asked questions in faith mixed with much doubt! As Bell says the psalmists asked, "My God, my God you said you would not forget your children, and now you're hiding your face from me, I don't get it! Where are you? I'm getting hammered here. Why?

That's my question now! A friend said, "Are you spending enough time with God? Maybe that's why things are going wrong! Must be something you have or haven't done!"

BUT I know without a doubt that this is not so. Because I'm convinced that how God treats me has nothing to do with me. It has everything to do with what Jesus did for me!

Lots of love



1 comment:

lydia said...

Wow, I can so relate to this - I had a week of intense opposition spiritually and kept asking God questions, and telling him how much I need him and how much I can't do this thing God, I am gonna die without You, what's going on???? I realized the more I am weak the better, not necessarily easy though, but His power is made perfect through weakness, He partners with us when we are totally dependent on Him and not relying on our own self sufficiency, that's true Humilty and He pours out grace to the humble..........I appreciate your honesty and your insight on Job, that's a good point!! as well as the Psalms........all I can say is hang in there -you will get a breakthrough!!!