Hi this is our Blog on Grace. We hope and pray that the Grace of God will flood into your life like it has ours. A good place to start is to listen to the mp3 messages, they will not only turn your world around, you will feel like you have just been saved all over again!
New Nature Publications

Tuesday, 02 October 2007

Quote from Rob Rufus

Under the New Covenant, the debt is cleared. Past, present and future. We know it. We believe it. Therefore we have a perfectly clear conscience even though we are not perfect. Amen

It is legalistic, self righteous, bigoted arrogance to say I have a clear conscience because of what I do. You have replaced yourself with Jesus and said your obedience is superior to the sacrifice of Jesus and His obedience on your behalf.


Aaron said...

I love this quote. It is truly empowering to really believe this. So much of the church today does believe that we somehow get cleaned up at conversion and then live in maintenence mode. We, just like the sacrifices that were offered in the Old Covenant, cannot wipe away sin. But our Savior has wiped them away once and for all. It is finished...done...COMPLETE! The only one who would want us to believe it is not completed is satan. So when we encounter those that want to counsel us to live in maintenence mode we must realize who is behind it. We must not be angry with them but strongly resist the darkness behind that line of reasoning. Thanks for posting this quote. You've stirred me.

Aaron (I'm Jul's husband by the way)

Grace said...

Hi Aaron

Great to hear from you mate.
Your comment shows a heart that is very graceful. It is difficult not to get up-tight with people, but see a situation for what it is.

We are going through this with a couple of friends who think that we have two types of righteousness. Positional Righteousness (Righteousness once and for all) and Progressive Righteousness (We grow in more righteous in our behaviour).

I know Heb 10v14 says "For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are sanctified." but my opinion is that the sanctification comes from the Holy Spirit (2Cor 2v18). It is He who changes us from within. Not us changing ourselves. How can we do surgery with our filthy hands and rags?

I believe this puts unnecessary pressure to perform on people.

There is another problem in that there is no "measuring stick".
"Am I becoming righteous enough, fast enough?"
This leaves us in a place questioning our "Positional Righteousness" and gives us a guilty conscience.

You have great insight and I would love you to comment more regularly please.

Take care