Hi this is our Blog on Grace. We hope and pray that the Grace of God will flood into your life like it has ours. A good place to start is to listen to the mp3 messages, they will not only turn your world around, you will feel like you have just been saved all over again!
New Nature Publications

Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Wayne's World...(12Mar08)

Were pointed to the preferable future,
It stirs our longing and desire.
Were pointed to who we should be,
Motivated and stirred.
Hearing often, continuously, without ceasing,
Making every effort, trying to be pleasing.
If I only I can reach the mountain top,
I'll be able to walk it out then.
I see the goal.
I sense the prize.
How can I obtain it?
To God I cry!
Principles preached, but no power my son.
Drink of my Spirit deep, and with my love run.
You cannot do it you can not taste.
Unless you have my spirit, it's all a waste.
By Wayne Duncan


lydia said...

Wayne, I enjoyed this, have you always written poetry or has grace brought color and passion into your life....I know it has in mine!!! Keep on writing!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, first poem in over 10 years...
Went to a meeting with a awesome grace preach, people were so hungry for the spirit, He would have moved wonderfully. It was shut down..i was cut to the core, could not sleep and got up to write the poem!

Why dont you post one of yours?


lydia said...

Wayno, Wow! I too have been woken up heavy hearted and had to write out my heart. I have my own blog, if you click on my name in blue it will lead you there. I think I'd write more poetry if I had more peace and quiet, you see I have four sons, so I often don't get the chance to write, but I love blogging what God is teaching me.....and I enjoy reading all that God is doing in your part of the world!!!