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New Nature Publications

Sunday, 13 July 2008

Wayne's World...(13Jul08)

Abraham's blessing through faith
Galatians 3
1Oh, foolish Galatians! What magician has cast an evil spell on you? For you used to see the meaning of Jesus Christ's death as clearly as though I had shown you a signboard with a picture of Christ dying on the cross. 2Let me ask you this one question: Did you receive the Holy Spirit by keeping the law? Of course not, for the Holy Spirit came upon you only after you believed the message you heard about Christ. 3Have you lost your senses? After starting your Christian lives in the Spirit, why are you now trying to become perfect by your own human effort? 4You have suffered so much for the Good News. Surely it was not in vain, was it? Are you now going to just throw it all away? 5I ask you again, does God give you the Holy Spirit and work miracles among you because you obey the law of Moses? Of course not! It is because you believe the message you heard about Christ. 6In the same way, "Abraham believed God, so God declared him righteous because of his faith." 7The real children of Abraham, then, are all those who put their faith in God. 8What's more, the Scriptures looked forward to this time when God would accept the Gentiles, too, on the basis of their faith. God promised this good news to Abraham long ago when he said, "All nations will be blessed through you." 9And so it is: All who put their faith in Christ share the same blessing Abraham received because of his faith. 11Consequently, it is clear that no one can ever be right with God by trying to keep the law. For the Scriptures say, "It is through faith that a righteous person has life." 12How different from this way of faith is the way of law, which says, "If you wish to find life by obeying the law, you must obey all of its commands." 13But Christ has rescued us from the curse pronounced by the law. When he was hung on the cross, he took upon himself the curse for our wrongdoing. For it is written in the Scriptures, "Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree." 14Through the work of Christ Jesus, God has blessed the Gentiles with the same blessing he promised to Abraham, and we Christians receive the promised Holy Spirit through faith. 15Dear brothers and sisters, here's an example from everyday life. Just as no one can set aside or amend an irrevocable agreement, so it is in this case. 16God gave the promise to Abraham and his child. And notice that it doesn't say the promise was to his children, as if it meant many descendants. But the promise was to his child-- and that, of course, means Christ. 17This is what I am trying to say: The agreement God made with Abraham could not be canceled 430 years later when God gave the law to Moses. God would be breaking his promise. 18For if the inheritance could be received only by keeping the law, then it would not be the result of accepting God's promise. But God gave it to Abraham as a promise. 19Well then, why was the law given? It was given to show people how guilty they are. But this system of law was to last only until the coming of the child to whom God's promise was made. And there is this further difference. God gave his laws to angels to give to Moses, who was the mediator between God and the people. 20Now a mediator is needed if two people enter into an agreement, but God acted on his own when he made his promise to Abraham. 21Well then, is there a conflict between God's law and God's promises? Absolutely not! If the law could have given us new life, we could have been made right with God by obeying it. 22But the Scriptures have declared that we are all prisoners of sin, so the only way to receive God's promise is to believe in Jesus Christ. 23Until faith in Christ was shown to us as the way of becoming right with God, we were guarded by the law. We were kept in protective custody, so to speak, until we could put our faith in the coming Savior. 24Let me put it another way. The law was our guardian and teacher to lead us until Christ came. So now, through faith in Christ, we are made right with God. 25But now that faith in Christ has come, we no longer need the law as our guardian. 26So you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus. 27And all who have been united with Christ in baptism have been made like him. 28There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male or female. For you are all Christians-- you are one in Christ Jesus. 29And now that you belong to Christ, you are the true children of Abraham. You are his heirs, and now all the promises God gave to him belong to you.
Paul is concerned for the church, they have lost perspective. They have wondered, how so? They have forgotten the power of the cross. They have drifted from promise to performance. They have taken their eyes off of the cross. They were trying to earn Gods blessing and favor by going back to the law.
It's directly into this context that Paul was ministering. Note that Paul identifies this drifting as a demonic influence.
Obviously as a people we want to avoid demonic deception, and we want the blessings.
So how do we get them? How did Abraham get them?
Abraham simply believed in God. God spoke to him and he believed him. Once he believed God he then operated in obedience.
This I believe is the essence of Christianity.
God loves us and wants to bless us. His oath to Abraham.
God wants to talk to us. Relationship.
When we believe in Him we obey Him. The life of faith.
The blessing comes from right believing and not right living.
Law is a subtle manipulation of this. It undermines faith and says " if I do this, God you have to do that". If I do much for God he must do much for me.
This is a deception of epic proportions in the church today. Look at what the scripture says…
10But those who depend on the law to make them right with God are under his curse, for the Scriptures say, "Cursed is everyone who does not observe and obey all these commands that are written in God's Book of the Law."
Please note this…in order for the blessing to come to you via the old covenant, you must obey "all the law". Did you see the three letter condition. ALL
If you want to receive the promises and blessings through law, you need to keep all. …no one can, the process of believing you can, and trying to, and all the effort and disappointment that goes with it, is the curse!
Jesus obeyed perfectly on our behalf so that all the blessings to Abraham now come to us by faith. Jesus did everything perfectly on our behalf, so we may receive the full inheritance of the saints. Or as the bible calls it "the glorious inheritance of the saints."
How good is this covenant of which Jesus is the mediator?
How awesome and loving is our God?
How powerful the work of the cross?
What did God promise Abraham? 
Chapter 12
1The LORD had said to Abram, "Leave your country, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you. 2"I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. 3I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." 
I will bless you.
You will be a blessing. 
God loves you. No matter what you do or what you have done, he loves you.
He loves being in relationship with you.  Jesus made it all possible. Now we can enjoy being with God, we can enjoy the blessing of being his people.
Friend, God wants to bless you, make your name great. He wants to bless you so much that everywhere you go you become a blessing. Everywhere you go, people will ask…who is this person? Who is his father? Who is his God? Clearly God is with him/her!
You can't earn it, you believe, rest and receive it!

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