Bradley Dearlove
Thursday, 27 November 2008
Building with Brad...(27Nov08)
Live streaming with Bertie
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Michelle Bass's debeut cd
Michelle is one of the most anointed muso's I have personally met.
She has the gifting to take one into deep worship without any effort or
hype at all.
Below is an email that she sent out today, and in my opinion it should have
been done a long time ago.
I can't wait to get my grubby hands on this one!
We will post further details as they are made clear.
Well - after many years of waiting for the right moment and after hesitating too many times - I finally took the plunge and approached Sesalos Studios in Westville, to produce 12 of my songs for my Debut Album.
Wow - it's been an incredible experience, and I love what the producers have done with the songs.
I look forward to sharing the experience with you when the CD is available - which should be by the latest 20/12.
I'll keep you posted on the release date.
Just wanted to share my news!!
Love to you all!!
hugs Mich
Monday, 24 November 2008
Sunday, 23 November 2008
Wayne's World...(23Nov08)
New Covenant
Death vs.
Written on stone tablets vs.
Written on hearts of flesh by the Spirit
No confidence before God, condemnation vs.
Confidence before God, no condemnation
Self competence/righteousness vs.
Qualified by Him/gift of righteousness
Only select few were ministers vs.
All competent ministers
Of the letter of the law vs.
Of the Spirit
Fading Glory vs.
Ever increasing, unfading, all surpassing incomparable glory
Veil that blinds vs.
Removal of veil for revelation
Powerless for transformation vs.
Being powerfully transformed
We change ourselves vs.
All of this is from Him
Relationship broken since Adam vs.
Intimacy restored
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
"Whoever has seen me has seen the Father"
"I am in the Father and the Father is in me".
If you know me you would have known the Father".
"From now on you know Him and have seen Him".
Jesus knew the Fathers heart for Glory – name / reputation / majesty / splendour / wonder / joy – all good things – return to Eden.
His, the Fathers Glory.
Jesus' own Glory.
The Glory of His People – you and me.
On that basis He could proclaim He was the Way, He was the Truth & He was the light.
Truth – corresponds to fact or reality – Jesus is our reality.
He being the Truth – all of him being the reality that brought us Life.
And His words and way keep us in, in the Spirit, in the Truth – in Him are the works of the enemy destroyed – sin, lies, theft, guilt, …...
By sin, law or spirit (demon / dark).
This is the Good News Jesus came proclaiming:
Nature – "…law…write it on their hearts…I will be their God…they will be my people…for they shall all KNOW me, from the least…to the greatest, DECLARES THE LORD. For I will remember their sin no more."
The ongoing assurance based on: ver 15-37.
When you see the sun rise – His covenant still stands.
When you hear the ocean roar – it is telling you the Good News still stands.
1.To Absorb the Wrath of God. (Gal 3:13, Rom 3:25, 1 Jn 4:10)
2.To Please His Heavenly Father
3.To Learn Obedience and Be Perfected.
4.To Achieve His Own Resurrection from the Dead
5.To Show the Wealth of God's Love and Grace for Sinners.
(Eph 5:2, Eph 5:25, Gal 2:20)
7.To Cancel the Legal Demands of the Law Against Us
(Col 2:13)
8.To Become a Ransom for Many
(Mk 10:45)
9.For the Forgiveness of Our Sins.
(Eph 1:7, MATT 26:28)
10.To Provide the Basis for Our Justification.
(Rom 5:9, Rom 3:24 & 28)
11.To Complete the Obedience That Becomes Our Righteousness.
(Phil 2:8, Rom 5:19, 2 Cor 5:21, Phil 3:9)
12.To Take Away Our Condemnation.
(Rom 8:24)
13.To Abolish Circumcision and All Rituals as the Basis of Salvation.
(Gal 5:11, Gal 6:12)
14.To Bring Us to Faith and Keep Us Faithful.
(Mk 14:24, Jer 32:40)
15.To Make Us Holy, Blameless, and Perfect.
(Heb 10:14, Col 1:22, 1 Cor 5:7)
16.To Give Us a Clear Conscience.
(Heb 9:14)
17.To Obtain for Us All Things That Are Good for Us.
(Rom 8:32)
18.To Heal Us from Moral and Physical Sickness.
(Is 53:5, Matt 8:16-17)
19.To Give Eternal Life to All Who Believe on Him.
(Jn 3:16)
20.To Deliver Us from the Present Evil Age.
(Gal 1:4)
21.To Reconcile Us to God.
(Rom 5:10)
22.To Bring Us to God.
(1 Pet 3:18, Eph 2:13)
23.So That We Might Belong to Him.
(Rom 7:4)
24.To Give Us Confident Access to the Holiest Place.
(Heb 10:19)
25.To Become for Us the Place Where We Meet God.
(Jn 2:19-21)
26.To Bring the Old Testament Priesthood to an End and Become the Eternal High Priest.
(Heb 7:23-27, 9:24-26, 10:11-12)
27.To Become a Sympathetic and Helpful Priest.
(Heb 4:15-16)
28.To Free Us from the Futility of Our Ancestry.
(1 Pet 1:18-19)
29.To Free Us from the Slavery of Sin.
(Rev 1:5-6., Heb 13:12)
30.That We Might Die to Sin and Live to Righteousness.
(1 Pet 2:24)
31.So That We Would Die to the Law and Bear Fruit for God.
(Rom 7:4)
32.To Enable Us to Live for Christ and Not Ourselves
(2 Cor 5:15)
33.To Make His Cross the Ground of All Our Boasting.
(Gal 6:14)
34.To Enable Us to Live by Faith in Him.
(Gal 2:20)
35.To Give Marriage Its Deepest Meaning.
(Eph 5:25)
36.To Create a People Passionate for Good Works
(Titus 2:14)
37.To Call Us to Follow His Example of Lowliness and Costly Love.
(1 Pet 2:19-21, Heb 12:3-4, Phil 2:5-8)
38.To Create a Band of Crucified Followers.
(Lk 9:23, Matt 10:38)
39.To Free Us from Bondage to the Fear of Death.
(Heb 2:14-15)
(1 Thes 5;10, Phil 1:21,23, 2 Cor 5:8)
41.To Secure Our Resurrection from the Dead.
(Rom 6:5, 2 Tim 2:11)
(Col 2:14-15, 1 Jn 3:8)
43.To Unleash the Power of God in the Gospel.
(1 Cor 1:18, Rom 1:16)
44.To Destroy the Hostility Between Races.
(Eph 2:14-16)
45.To Ransom People from Every Tribe and Language and People and Nation
(Rev 5:9)
46.To Gather All His Sheep from Around the World.
(Jn 11:51-52, Jn 10:16)
47.To Rescue Us from Final Judgment.
(Heb 9:28)
48.To Gain His Joy and Ours.
(Heb 12:2)
49.So That He Would Be Crowned with Glory and Honor.
(Heb 2:9, Phil 2:7-9, Rev 5:12)
50.To Show That the Worst Evil Is Meant by God for Good.
(Acts 4:27-28, Gen 50:20)
What a great Salvation – What a Good News!!!!
What is the grace walk?
This is the term which we use to describe the Christian life as God intended it to be. The grace walk stresses allowing Christ to live His life through us. A careful reading of the New Testament makes it clear that we do not live the Christian life by self-effort but by abiding (resting) in Christ and allowing Him to manifest His life through our own (ref. John 15:5; Romans 15:18; Ephesians 2:8-10; Philippians 2:13; and II Thessalonians 2:13). Through the years various other believers have described the grace walk with other terms such as: The Exchanged Life (Hudson Taylor), The Abiding Life (Andrew Murray), The Crucified Life (L. E. Maxwell), Life on the Highest Plane (Ruth Paxson), The Interior Life (Hannah Whitall Smith), The Normal Christian Life (Watchman Nee), The Victorious Christian Life (Alan Redpath, Ian Thomas), and The Miracle Life (David Needham). For further reading refer to Grace Walk chapter five, "Experiencing His Life."
In light of grace exactly how does one live the Christian Life?
The key to victory in the Christian life lies in acknowledging that you cannot live the Christian life out of your own resources or abilities. Only one person has ever lived the Christian life as God intended and that was Jesus Himself! However, there is good news; Jesus wants to live His victorious, overcoming life through you. Perhaps no verse says it better than Galatians 2:20, "I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me, and delivered Himself up for me." We live the Christian life by yielding moment-by-moment to Christ, trusting Him to animate us with His very life. For further reading refer to Grace Walk chapter twelve, "Living in Grace."
Does the teaching of grace lead to passivity in the Christian life?
One of the most common misunderstandings about the grace walk is that it teaches passivity in the life of the Christian. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The grace walk is an active lifestyle energized not by the energy of the flesh but by the energy of the indwelling life of Christ. Consider the example of the apostle Paul. Paul trusted Christ to live His life through him (Romans 15:18) while leading an extremely active lifestyle. Notice Paul's description of his lifestyle in Colossians 1:29, "And for this purpose also I labor, striving according to His power, which mightily works within me." Paul was not passive; he was active. The words "labor" and "striving" in the original language refer to weariness to the point of physical exhaustion. Yet it was not done in the energy of the flesh it was "according to His (Jesus') power" which was at work within Paul. For further reading refer to Grace Rules pages 89-90 and 194-197.
If we are forgiven of our sins past, present, and future at the time of salvation won't that lead to a sinful lifestyle?
This is not a new question. In fact, this was the gist of the concern of those in Paul's own day who asked, "Are we to continue in sin that grace might increase? (Romans 6:1). Coming to understand the totality of forgiveness should never lead the believer into a sinful lifestyle. In fact, the opposite will be true. When the child of God realizes the totality of their forgiveness before a holy God, they do not want to sin. While it is true that the believer has the freedom to sin if they want too, the believer who has their focus on Jesus does not want to sin. Rules, regulations, and rigorous self-discipline will not keep us from sin but, an authentic love relationship with Jesus will. For further reading refer to Grace Rules chapter four, "Say Goodbye to Mr. Law."
How does one come to comprehend the grace of God in the Christian's life?
The fullness of the grace of God in the life of the Christian cannot be understood apart from a revelation of God. Some of the most profound words Jesus spoke are found in Luke 10:21-22, "At that very time He rejoiced greatly in the Holy Spirit, and said, 'I praise Thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that Thou didst hide these things from the wise and intelligent and didst reveal them to babes. Yes, Father, for thus it was well-pleasing in Thy sight. All things have been handed over to Me by My Father, and no one knows who the Son is except the Father, and who the Father is except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal Him." We come to comprehend spiritual truth only as it is revealed to us by the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Revelation is a spiritual apprehension of the truth and it comes only from God. God reveals His grace to us as we humbly seek Him. See also Matthew 16:16-17 and Galatians 1:11-12. For further reading refer to Grace Walk pages 70-72.
Does grace lead to a lawless attitude in the Christian life?
The simple answer to this question is "No way!" The Christian who is truly walking in grace is not an antinomian ("one who opposes the Law"). Rather, the person who is walking in grace has great respect for the God-ordained purpose of the Law. In Romans 7:12 Paul said, "So then, the Law is holy, and the commandment is holy and righteous and good." Grace-oriented Christians are not "Law-bashers" but, they do understand that the Law has no place in the life of the Christian. Consider the following Scriptures: "Therefore, my brethren, you also were made to die to the Law through the body of Christ, that you might be joined to another, to Him who was raised from the dead, that we might bear fruit for God" (Romans 7:4). "In order that the Law might be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit" (Romans 8:4). "Realizing the fact that law is not made for a righteous man, but for those who are lawless and rebellious" (I Timothy 1:9). For further reading refer to Grace Rules pages 74-76.
Monday, 17 November 2008
Some fine stuff!
Sunday, 09 November 2008
Wayne's World...(10Nov08)
Thursday, 06 November 2008
Wayne's World...(6Nov08)
Romans 5:20 Moreover the law entered that the offense might abound. But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more,
When a top executive is charged for corruption or a church minister is caught in the very act of adultery, you will probably hear the phrase "fallen from grace" being used of them. We have come to believe that when someone falls into sin, he falls from grace.
Building with Brad...(6Nov08)
Grace enables us to see the dreams God gives, fulfilled without effort. We are satisfied because God is satisfied yet we still hunger for more because God gives more. In our hunger for more we are not left feeling frustrated but rather we have a surety that we can see and will see the more.
God Bless,
Bradley Dearlove