In Jesus' words
Then they asked Him, what must we do to do the works God requires? Jesus answered, the work of God is this: to believe in the one He sent"
The people were looking at it from a human effort point of view, they were looking for something that they were meant to do to do the works of God. How many Christians are there that have this understanding and this way of living, always looking for something they need to do in order to do the works ( human effort based performance) God requires. How many leaders drive the people to do the works God requires. When we live trying to do this in our own effort it is never enough, we are never satisfied because God is never satisfied. No mater how much we do He cannot be satisfied. God is not satisfied with the works of the flesh, they are like filthy rags to Him, and it does not require faith and " without faith we cannot please God".
I love the response of Jesus, it is so simple " you want to do the works of God? Believe in the one He sent, Me" He took the focus off mans effort. All that needs to be done is that we must believe in Him, that He is enough, that He did it all. When we live in this revelation the it pleases God because this is faith and this opens the way to the unachievable and impossible without effort.
God bless
1 comment:
Is it not awesome, that in Christ we walk and live in the spirit as opposed to... By wanting to do to be or to get .. we are living in the flesh. So how do I get In Christ? or In the Spirit? I simply believe on the One that God sent, I believe the report Ish 52, Rom 10. I believe the FACT that Rom 5 if by the one man sin entered ... Much more by the one Man Jesus Christ ... I have been translated out of darkness (first Adam) INTO His marvelous Light (Jesus)I have been freed from the thought pattern of by what I do I get or become (the law ..slavery ..sin death)... Now my mind has been changed by believing the good news report of God and I live by a thought pattern of Grace, knowing that by what Jesus did I get.. I don't become, but I am! I am the righteousness of God, I am perfected, I am Holy, I am free from sin, I am IN Christ, I am IN the Spirit ALWAYS, how? ..because I was persuided by God's report about Jesus and I believed and trusted in Him, in what He achieved. My mind is stayed upon Him, I am above ..(in the spirit) and not beneath ..(the flesh) I walk and live and have my being in Him .. In the new reserected life of Christ ....Rom 4 & 5 & 6& 7 ..Oh, there is no end when one starts to explain this good news and you start to think upon the benifits of Gods plan and will for us all PS 103 .....
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