Hi this is our Blog on Grace. We hope and pray that the Grace of God will flood into your life like it has ours. A good place to start is to listen to the mp3 messages, they will not only turn your world around, you will feel like you have just been saved all over again!
New Nature Publications

Monday, 23 July 2007

Able Ministers

This is something that I believe the Father showed me recently. It is so simple, but it woke me up very quickly.
Our task on this planet is to be "able ministers of the New Covenant" (2Cor 3v6).
We are of no effect if we are convinced that we are not "able ministers" and thus nullifying our mission on planet Earth.
If we are constantly told, and believe that "only when you read your Bible more", or "when you are holy enough".... then we are able to be God's ambassadors, you will never be in a place to be relevant for God purpose for you.

We have to live with the knowledge that "it is finished" and we are sons and daughters in the Fathers house. We have to stand on the fact that we are accepted and are His chosen ambassadors/able ministers. We are dangerous. All of creation is waiting (Rom 8v19)


jul said...
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jul said...

Very encouraging. I struggle a lot with this, having spent the last years or our lives in a church where there were very strict 'qualifications' for ministry. Your character would be under constant scrutiny if you were in so-called full time ministry. Since we believe we are called to plant churches and the time seems to be drawing very near for it, I am struggling more and more against the accusations of the enemy. He seems always present in the moment I'm fighting with my husband or losing my temper with the kids to whisper, "See, you can't possible preach grace to people, look at yourself! You're such a hypocrite..." So while the call gets stronger, the condemnation presses in more. It certainly is a battle, but the more I learn to live with the new covenant mindset the quicker I win those battles.

For me this post is quite timely. Thanks!

23 July 2007 03:21

Grace said...

Jul I have some scripture for you to look at:
1) Rom 8v1 (I am sure you know this one)

2) Ex 14v13&14
How many (decent) husbands and fathers expect their beutiful brides/children to do the fighting in the household? I know that my job is to do the fighting.
I believe that is the same with our husband Jesus and our Father. He does the fighting. All throughout scripture I see the Father giving victory to His beloved.
Even if you look at our spiritual armour, most of it is for defence, except the word (Jesus - John 1v14.
God does our fighting.
I hope you will receive this and allow Him to fight your battles for you. Not only is He Jehovah Yireh (The Lord will Provide), but He is also Yahweh Sabaoth (Lord of Hosts - armies).