Hi this is our Blog on Grace. We hope and pray that the Grace of God will flood into your life like it has ours. A good place to start is to listen to the mp3 messages, they will not only turn your world around, you will feel like you have just been saved all over again!
New Nature Publications

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

What do we tell the unsaved?

Do we preach grace or law to the unsaved?


Tony said...

Good question! I've always thought about that. Well, as for me, i try to use a illustration to share the gospel and bring the law and grace into it, so that it all makes sense.
It depends on teh situation and the person, I like to flexible how I share teh Gospel with people each time, but I also like to have a 'script' ready just incase I need it when I see that my spontaneous words are not doing anything; i would try other things as well such as ask if I could pray for them.
here's a video of and example:

Watch the 'Hamilton witnessing first'.
Hope this helps, let me know what you think.

Dahleen said...


Rom 2:4

Daleen ;-)

Tony said...

Hi Daleen,
Galatians 3 says the Law is to lead us to Christ.
have a listen to hellsbestkeptsecret.com
It has some good points.

Grace said...

I must say that personally I agree with Daleen.
I have been chatting to many people and different ideas have come up.
Most agree that we must preach the gospel (Rom 1v16). The question is what is the gospel? Acts 20v24.
How long have people preached law with only negative results.
What happened in your heart when you heard undiluted grace being taught.

Ursula said...

Hi guys, I have actually thought this through a bit recently. I never preach law. I'll tell you why, it comes across as manipulative. All the grace/law mixed messages for evangelism have the same reaction from people, they come under law. God loves you, He took ALL your sins on the cross, He is a great big loving God, but if you don't do as He says, or accept or repent, this great big loving God is going to send you to the fires of hell for all eternity. Sound loving to you?

Yet we are introducing them to a God who does LOVE LOVE LOVE them because He is LOVE LOVE LOVE. I want them to find freedom not swap their chains for another set.

I just love them. And let them see His love. I prefer to pray for them, let the EXPERIENCE Him. I just hope and pray that they can experience His love and acceptance through me. That he is NOT angry, or judgemental. Because, all their sins have been paid for, the only thing they need to do is believe...that is all.

I prefer that people don't come to him out of shame and fear of hell, but out of the fact that they are falling head over heels with this Jesus. Thats just me.

Anonymous said...

We will all agree that for the unbeliever to receive salvation as a REALITY in their life, they have to believe.

Believe what? It is the gospel that is the power of God unto salvation. Gospel is ONLY TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE news! The good news is the report of what Jesus came to do on man’s behalf. It is ONLY and ALWAYS ONLY GRACE! The perfect grace of God!

So what is the essence of this Grace, the Good News?
That before any unbeliever could do anything, totally apart from and without man believing or understanding, God made a way through His only Son Jesus Christ! So while unbelievers were still wicked sinners and could not do anything to help themselves or to be reconciled to God, God did it! He reconciled unbelievers and sinners back to Him, forgave them, and declared them innocent! God said all unbelievers and sinners receive and become His righteousness because of what Jesus has done and that unbelievers and sinners stand justified before Him! This is that message!! God is saying this to all unbelievers and sinners so that they can believe in this incredible act of mercy and grace towards them! Will you believe in such a loving and kind wonderful God, can you accept what He has done just for you???

If you will accept this free gift and believe it today dear unbeliever and wicked sinner, if you will change your mind about how guilty and hopeless you are (repent) - and know because of what Jesus has done on your and my behalf to set us free for ever, then you will no longer be an unbeliever, but you will be a believer! (As a man believes so he is) Because of the Good news that you are hearing, you will find your heart persuaded that you are totally included in everything Jesus has done on your behalf (His death and resurrection) and that because of Him, and only from Him, you are now in Christ, walking in the spirit and born from above!

If it becomes any other message, then salvation will not be ONLY from God, but also some part will be (even if it is only a very little part) from man. If this message is changed then it starts depending upon man whether he will be saved or not! We are saved by God and His grace through faith (where does faith come from, from God only)

So we as Christ’s ambassadors, having heard this Good News and believing all that God HAS DONE, go out into the entire world to proclaim this message of God’s reconciliation unto all men and beg them to therefore be reconciled!!

It is NOT our job to devise persuasive ways, but the Holy Spirit convicts every unbeliever of his sin which is unbelief, and then at the same time also convicts the same unbeliever of His righteousness because of what Jesus did! It is God that saves ONLY!!!!! And only by GRACE!!!!

Anonymous said...

We preah Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

We preach the Gospel, under the direction of the Holy Spirit.

Personally i avoid a legalistic prescription of how and what that should be...I use the bible in context, and see people saved into freedom.

Tony said...

Maybe you are right. I understand some people use it in a way that is condemning, but i try not to do that but I use it in a way that is to help people to understand.

"why did Jesus have to die on the cross for my sins?"
Why couldnt' God just forgive me from His throne of grace directly without any sacrifice?

How do you explain it to somebody without talking about 'sin', 'law', 'judgment' and 'Grace'?

Anonymous said...

Question: ""Why did Jesus have to die on the cross for my sins?"
Why couldn’t' God just forgive me from His throne of grace directly without any sacrifice?"

Dear Tony,
In a nut shell:
Well because what would it help to just forgive sin, surely it will just re-appear again and again if not dealt with fully? We are ALL God's creation, made in His image and likeness. Man bought into the lie of satan - that we need to do and become to be in God's image and likeness. We are from God and out of God from the beginning, and God never lost faith in who and what He created. He loves us so much and He is so sure and convinced of our value that He gives His all to buy us back out of this lie! It is not about forgiveness, it is about redemption, and the forgiveness is only the product of this redemption!
Because of God's faith in us, and His love for us, He comes and deals with the cause of the lie in paying what the legal claim demanded, and He deals with the reason and effect of this lie.... ie. sin! By allowing a sinless man Jesus His Son, to take the worlds sin on Himself and thereby deleting it in dying as flesh man with sin on Him. God then resurrects this New Man to be the First of many ... all new creations! The purpose in this One Man is to reveal all of mankind’s true identity to them again … as He is so is we in this world ... When we see Jesus, we see ourselves! God is saying to us ... You all believed the lie of satan, but I have come to delete that lie, pay for the consequences of that lie, to judge and neutralize the one that brought the lie, and finally to show and remind you all of who and what exactly you are again, and give you what you were meant to have (inheritance) – Life eternal! So will you believe this bit of good news? If you believe and accept it, you will find see and experience how free and saved you really are, and who and what you really are - sons in image and likeness of God the Creator! You will have LIFE!!

Anonymous said...

The above discription is definatly NOT the gospel of the bible.

Wayne Duncan

Grace said...

I love how you have dealt with the political spirit Wayno.
I agree with you also.
For God so loved the world....

I dare say, knowing that this might swerve the whole conversation, that God sent Jesus to Glorify Himself.
We just really benefit from the whole transaction.
Win win if you ask me.

Anonymous said...

Well said Greg.

Gods glory is infinatly higher than ours, we simply benifit from who He is, and what he has done!
