As I read it I felt such a similarity to what God is doing amongst us now. And I'd like to share it with you and anyone else who might be interested.
I read the commentry on Zechariah in the Message Bible and found out that he and Haggai had the prophetic task of getting the people of Judah to rebuild the ruined Temple. But Zechariah did more than that. The people of Judah had lost their self-identity as the people of God. He reinvigorated their imaginations with his visions and messages. Giving them a new vocabulary and energised them for the long-term purposes of God to be worked out in their lives. Insight hope and clarity was released to work out His purposes.
I underlined sentences that stood out to me and marvelled at the similarity of what is happening now.
God sent out messengers to check things out in the world. They reported, "We have looked over the whole earth and all is well. Everything is under control." I feel this is true now too. What a sense of peace and relief. No need to be afraid!
Quiet, everyone! Shh! Silence before God. Something's afoot in His Holy House. He's on the move!
At this time, everyone will get along with one anothet, with friendly visits across the fence, friendly visits on one anothers porches. Community, so much love and lovely people.
Horses sent by God to the North are conveying a sense of my Spirit, serene and secure. No more trouble from that direction.
He said to the priests, you're interested in religion, I'm interested in people.
God says then and says now:
Treat one another justly.
Love your neighbours.
Be compassionate with each other.
Don't take advantage of widows, orphans, visitors and the poor.
Don't plot and scheme against one another-that's evil.
I care
I'm involved says God.
Get a grip on things. Hold tight, you who are listening to what I say through the preachings of the prophets. The Temple of God-of –the-Angel-armies has been reestablished. The Temple is being rebuilt. We've been through a hard time; you worked for a pittance and were lucky to get that; the streets were dangerous; you could never let down your guard; I had turned the worls into an armed camp. But things have changed. I am taking the side of my core of surviving people:
Sowing and harvesting will resume,
Vines will grow grapes'
Gardens will flourish,
Dew and rain will make everything green.
My core survivors will get everything they need-and more. You've got a reputation as bad-news people, but I'm coming to save you. From now on you will be the good-news people. Don't be afraid. Keep a firm grip on what I'm doing.
Don't be afraid. And now here's what I want you to do: Tell the truth, the whole truth, when you speak. Do the right things by one another, both personally and in your courts. Don't cook up plans to take unfair advantage of others. Don't do or say what isn't so. I hate all the stuff. Keep your lives simple.
The days of mourning will be turned into days of feasting and celebration and holidays. Embrace truth! Love peace!
People and their leaders will come from all over to see what's going on. Leaders will confer with one another: "Shouldn't we try to get in on this? Get in on God's blessing? Pray to God? What's keeping us? Let's go!
Lots of people powerful nations will come to look for what they can get from God-looking for a blessing from God.
At this time men speaking a variety of languages will hold onto you and say, "Let us go with you. We've heard that God is with you."
And you because of my blood covenant with you,
I'll release your prisoners from their hopeless cells. Come home, hope-filled prisoners! This very day I'm declaring a double bonus-everything you've lost returned twice over!
Religious experts spout rubbish. They pontificate hot air. Their prescriptions are nothing but smoke. And so the people wander like lost sheep, poor lost sheep without a shepherd. I'm furious with the so-called shepherds, they're worse than billy goats and I'll treat them like goats.
I will step in and take care of the flock I'll revive their Spirits and make them proud to be on God's side. God will use them in his work of rebuilding, use them as foundations and pillars, use them as tools and instruments, and use them to oversee his work. They'll be His workforce to be proud of, working as one, their heads held high, striding through swamps and mud. Courageous and vigorous because God is with them, undeterred by the world's thugs.
I'll put muscle in the people to save the people. I know their pain and will make them as good as new. They'll get a fresh start as if nothing has happened. And why? Because I am their very own God, I'll do what needs to be done for them. The people will be famous their lives brimming with joy. Their children will get into it too- oh let them feel blessed by God! I'll whistle and they'll all come running. I'll set them free- oh how they will flourish! I'll make them strong-God strong! And they'll live my way. God says so!
Do you hear the wailing of the shepherds? They've lost everything they once owned. The sheep have shepherds that couldn't care less about them. Doom to you useless shepherd walking off and leaving the sheep! Kill the shepherd scatter the sheep! The back of my hand even against the lanbs! All across the country sheep devastated. One third survive. I will place them in refining fires to be refined as silver and test them for purity as gold is tested. Then they will pray to me by name and I will answer them personally. I'll say that's my people. They'll say God my God.
Amazing hey?
Lots of love Louisa